Monthly Archives: April 2016

Disc Review: Boston Globe on Drew’s Kennedy Films

Watching the inter-cut scenes of Hubert Humphrey shaking hands with farmers, then John F. Kennedy stirring young women into a “pre-Beatlemania frenzy,” Boston Globe reviewer Peter Keough had this to say about the films in The Criterion Collection’s re-mastered disc release of The Kennedy Films of Robert Drew & Associates: “…the point is clear: The earnest old Liberal warhorse was destined to lose to the flashy upstart. As was the dynamic new cinema verite destined to eclipse the dull dinosaur that the documentary genre had become.”

Read the full review here.


JFK’s Wisconsin Primary

Since 1960 every Democratic Presidential nominee has won the Wisconsin primary. Learn more about the 1960 Wisconsin primary where JFK solidified his position as one of the most important figures in American Politics at The Criterion Collection. Criterion provides insight about this historic election with clips from Primary, the revolutionary documentary providing never before seen insight into the political process.

For your chance to see Primary and other Drew Associates films about John F. Kennedy in theaters check out: The Collection Criterion Live! The Kennedy Films of Robert Drew & Associates and the 19th Annual Full Frame Documentary Film Festival.